There are five pillars of philosophy. Each one is connected and rooted in the history of the world. Shalom Lamm, a philosophy graduate, enjoys learning about these pillars and likes to relate them to the current year. The first pillar is epistemology or the study of knowledge. In regards to 2020, that can include ‘What is COVID-19?’, ‘How is my stress measured’, or ‘Where am my information sourced from?’. These categories are just examples of how philosophy is used day by day. Next, is metaphysics. This is the study of what is real and what’s not. For example, what is supernatural and what is considered real. In 2020, many people are counting on their faith to protect them from the virus. 

Furthermore, the pillar of ethics is the study of what’s wrong or not. “Is looting wrong if it’s for social justice?”, “Do my morals line up with my line of work”, are examples of 2020 ethics predicaments. Many doctors signed up to save lives but do not want to interact with sick patients, is that ethical? Then there is logic. In other words ratiocination. Using cognitive skills to defend correct arguments is when logic is used most. Finally, aesthetics. This correlates to what is considered beautiful. Social media aesthetics are all the range. Many models, influencers, and social activists use beautiful aesthetics to market themselves or attract audiences. Shalom Lamm believes that art is everywhere and it’s important to appreciate it. Aesthetics include the beauty of nature, which many don’t take into consideration as the digital world takes over. The five pillars of philosophy are apparent to everyone, we just have to look close enough.