This is a
legitimate question that many people ask, as travelling with their parents
means they must change schools often and that must have an impact on their
education. Most expat employment packages include free tuition at major international
schools, which is essential if the children are to have an uninterrupted
schooling from the ages of 7- 18 years.


While you would
find a large percentage of the children to be locals, international schools are
actually set up to provide foreign kids a good education while their parents
are working abroad. If, for example, you want your child to study at an international
school in Bangkok
there are such institutions that use either the British or the US curriculum,
which allows a foreign child to continue to learn the same curriculum
throughout their school years.

Part of the
Expat Package

international schools are at the top end of school fee bracket, most employers
are prepared to meet the cost of international schooling for the children of
their employees, otherwise it would be very difficult to attract middle
managers to bring their family to a country like Thailand or Malaysia.
Typically, an international school would have the largest portion of students
as locals, while the remainder are made up of foreign children of expats or
embassy staff, who are continuing the same curriculum, regardless of their age.

British or
American Curriculum

Both education
systems are regarded as the best in the world, yet the British curriculum is
adopted by the majority of international schools, perhaps due to its popularity
among parents. When you are looking for an international school in a foreign
country, make sure you stipulate in your search either UK, or US curriculum,
and you will be directed to the right schools.


An international
school in Bangkok that uses the British curriculum would bring teachers from
the UK, who are both qualified and experienced, and you can imagine the high
salaries they have to offer to attract qualified teachers. If you are looking
for such a learning institution for your child, take your time before choosing,
as there would be quite a few in a major capital city like Bangkok, and not all
use the UK curriculum.


A child that is
the product of an international school would be far more exposed to other
cultures, and this stands them in good stead for their adult life. Working with
children from different ethnic backgrounds helps them to understand and respect
each other’s culture, and they would therefore adapt better in any
cross-cultural environment.

Slipping into
the Right Year

If, for example, a
UK child has just finished Year 5, then the parents would find a school with
the British curriculum and when the family are settled into the foreign
country, the child would enter the international school at the start of Year 6,
meaning their schooling is structured and continuous.

If you are thinking of accepting a very attractive job in Thailand or Singapore, don’t worry about your child’s education, as there are international schools that accept the children of foreigners working in their country.

By Manager