excited young woman and her new car

Helen Lee Schifter has spoken and written about the need for younger people to take the Coronavirus and the risks associated with the health pandemic far more seriously than they presently are. These issues are paramount to not only the health of younger people; but also the health of those they interact with and come into contact with, including but not limited to older people, who as we know are most susceptible and vulnerable to contracting the Coronavirus.

Like other potent observers, Helen Lee Schifter has taken to the blogosphere and other mediums and media platforms in order to sound off about the dangers these matters pose. Why is it that the WHO and the CDC have not taken to more serious measures in order to ensure that young people are complying with the social distancing requirements that have been mandated in some states, and other issues that are meant to ensure a safer environment for all in the wake of this health pandemic of tsunami?

These are questions that are worthwhile to pose, but have seemingly gotten lost in all the chaos that has been wrought by this virus. And understandably so. But this is a conversation that needs to be had; and it is long overdue, indeed. So what are the ways that younger people can be enlightened about the dangers associated with the Coronavirus?

According to Shalom Lamm, these are issues that have to be communicated to members of the youth demographic in not only ways they can understand, but also through media channels and platforms that they utilize. As such, Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms need to be used by the WHO, CDC and other such entities dedicated to getting the word out about the dangers of this unprecedented health crisis, in a way that young people can understand.

Shalom Lamm goes on to discuss the platforms that young people often use to consume information in today’s day and age, and the way those platforms differ from the traditional media channels used by older people. So what are these channels and platforms?

Well, any educated observer of media and the consumption habits of younger people are aware that they tend to turn to mobile devices far more often to get their news than do older people. They use news network’s applications for example to consume information, while older people tend to skew to utilizing the traditional means of consuming the same information from the same networks and news properties. Namely, from either reading the newspaper or watching the news networks on television directly.

It’s these second-hand channels of enlightenment and news that young people will undoubtedly be more inclined to listen and watch. And therefore, the messaging surrounding the seriousness of the Coronavirus and the need to exercise precautions will certainly come through and finally be understood. Let’s get started on this important movement at the soonest possible time.