There is plenty of health advice out there, yet much of it cannot be trusted. Reliable sources include government-endorsed health websites, peak industry bodies and peak condition organisations.

If you have doubts about a website’s accuracy, start by reviewing its “About us” page to see who runs it and making sure that any goals or financial interests of the site are clearly communicated.

Drink plenty of fluids

Hydration is key to good health. Without enough fluids, your body cannot digest food properly and could experience constipation and other digestive issues that lead to constipation or digestive distress.

The amount of fluids recommended daily varies based on age, gender and pregnancy or breastfeeding status; for most healthy adults however, drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day should suffice. Most non-alcoholic beverages also count towards your fluid intake – though try to limit sugary drinks such as soft drinks and juices to keep total fluid consumption to an optimal level.

Fruit slices, mint leaves or strawberries added to a glass of water can add an appealing flavour, as well as extra fibre, vitamins and minerals. Add an additional splash of citrus with lemon or lime for even more flavour! Ideally, fluid intake should be taken during meals as well as snacks to combat dehydration, but always consult your physician first if increasing intake could adversely impact medical conditions or medication intake.

Eat a balanced diet

Your body relies on a healthy diet to receive its fuel (calories). Without sufficient nourishment from food sources, health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer could develop.

A balanced diet should include foods from all of the major food groups and should provide plenty of fibre, vitamins and minerals while being low in salt, fat and sugar content. In addition, it should provide enough calories to meet both an active person’s activity level and their weight loss goals.

Diets consist of vegetables and fruits; proteins (meat, fish, eggs, nuts and beans); carbohydrates (bread, rice pasta potatoes); dairy; and unsaturated fats. Meals should be tailored to an individual’s body type for maximum results in terms of physical fitness, mental clarity and emotional well-being, while also helping achieve and maintain an appropriate weight. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables also plays an integral part in supporting overall physical fitness as well as mental clarity and emotional well-being – and can reduce health conditions like diseases by maintaining weight control measures.

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help you feel and look your best while decreasing your risk for various chronic conditions. Exercise boosts immunity, improves mood and sleep quality while decreasing stress. Furthermore, regular physical activity reduces heart disease risk, diabetes risk and cancer risks while helping manage weight and enhance bone health.

Fitness doesn’t need to be strenuous; you can start small. Select an activity you enjoy so it becomes part of your routine and write down on a calendar so you don’t miss a workout session!

Current guidelines recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity most days of the week to prevent and manage obesity, heart disease, diabetes, some cancers, depression and dementia. Furthermore, increasing your physical activity also increases your chance of living longer; plus it’s social and fun!

Get regular check-ups

An annual physical with a physician at a medical clinic is essential, since people tend to neglect their health due to busy lives and seek treatment only when severe ailments arise.

Physicians can identify early warning signs of illness and help you to take preventative steps against its progression. They may suggest diet modifications, exercises or healthy lifestyle habits which will boost immunity.

Regular health checks can make living healthy easier by helping prevent heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. Furthermore, health checks may save money on costly treatments or medication and often are covered by health insurance plans. Contact Margolin Keinarth & Alberda Family Health Center in Austin TX to find out more about getting regular checkups and maintaining a healthier lifestyle.