Testing job candidates before making a decision about their recruitment is a best practice common to business worldwide. When you are going to give them a job it is your responsibility to ensure that they are worth recruiting. After all, today they need you but down the line you will need them. You would never want to lay the responsibilities of your business on shaky ground. The point is you have to be really prudent about the candidates you pick for your business. In this way you can attract individuals who turn out to be an asset for your business.
Try pre-employment tests
There are myriad of tests under the realm of pre-employment tests. No matter what type of job vacancy you have in your business; you can recruit the right employees for it. In this way you can be sure that you have the best people working for you. Again, there is a vital task for you to being an employer or recruiter. You have to pick the right test that would do its work for you. Once you use the right test, it would measure the candidates for you and hence underpin you in making a right decision.
You should use tests like numerical aptitude test for employment. This test would help you understand the numerical side of your candidates. Numerical and verbal reasoning tests are two kinds of psychometric tests that are applied by certain employers to find out the correct candidate from several applicants for a specific job position. Here is a detailed look into the significance of numerical and verbal reasoning tests.
Numerical aptitude test
A numerical aptitude test will help provide recruiters a proper understanding of ability of candidates to analyse and interpret different questions usually given in the shape of tables, graphs and even that of data. The employers need to ensure that the candidates are able to draw logical and reasonable results out of the provided information or data for a certain job role. A numerical reasoning test might give them and vision into the attention to details that the candidate may give in any given situation. These tests may not help the employers or recruiters assess the mathematical knowledge of the candidates however, these will help examine how logically a candidate would reach to a decision and how well-informed and well-versed the candidates are.
It is important to know how numerical reasoning test scores assist the recruiters in taking decision about the most competent candidate from many, for specific types of job role. In a professional work environment, vital decisions are usually made based on the figures, data and trends of the previous years. These decisions might include monitoring the development of a business strategy, analysing fallouts driven from a business strategy, or elements that could have helped the business in attaining previous business goals. Thus, there are various interpretations and analyses that are going to need to be effectively done as a portion of the job role to make better and well-versed future business decisions. The scores of the numerical test will give recruiters an idea about how the applicant will comprehend these crucial aspects of the business and whether or not these may add any value to the company in attaining their business goals.
Thus, some employers or recruiters might use the scores of the numerical aptitude test candidates have participated in to analyse the following aspects or factors:
- The ability to further communicate and convey matters and their solutions with the help of the ability to draw logical conclusions and give logical alternatives to the processes.
- The capability to implement those presented solutions.
- The capability to monitor business results and growth by going through data and figures, and to make examination of the graphs.
- Tables and graphs
- The ability to identify issues linked with business processes to make a crucial analysis.
- The ability to think in a critical manner
- The capability to perform and communicate approximations.
- The amount of concentration in measuring and problem solving. Your speed of making right analyses and assessments.
Remember in a data-driven business setting, it is important for the existing and possible employees to have powerful numerical reasoning skills in the absence of which any kind of professional job might become challenging. Generally, below types of questions are given to the applicants to test their numerical thinking and reasoning calibre:
- Interpretation of tables
- Understanding of patterns
- Manipulation of data
- Arithmetic
- Interpretation of graphs
However, the above ones generally include high level of skill assessment questions that are beyond the general or basic level of addition, subtractions, multiplications, divisions and the likes. The important thing is to make predictions with the use of information or data while properly comprehending each value irrespective of how they might be presented.
The point is once you have these tests used in your recruitment program, you would get to know a lot about your candidates. Without doing anything extra or going into details, you would get a great piece of knowledge about these candidates. If you have never tried out these pre-employment tests, especially numerical test then you must use it now. The test is certainly going to be advantageous for your recruitment program. The stronger your recruitment program is the better outcomes you would get out of it.
Efficient procedure
In case you think that you have limited time for recruitment program and you cannot take any extra time to accommodate such a test because it would take up a lot of time then think again. These tests are really useful and efficient by nature. You would rather save a lot of your time than wasting any. The test would short list some candidates who get qualifying scores in the test. Since the test would filter a huge number of candidates, there would be less rush in the interview and only the best and refined candidates would get selected.
Thus, using numerical test in your recruitment program would rather be an asset than any obligation. Use the test and experience the best recruitment results.