Bathrooms are places that we need to go to whether we like it or not. They come in different sizes and sometimes, having a smaller bathroom can be challenging. This is especially true when it comes to decorating it or making it modern, as too much can make it feel even smaller than it already is.
Some ideas to help to make a small bathroom modern include:
- Mirror Walls: These will give a small space a kind of depth. It will reflect the small space making it look two times its actual size. This is a great tip to make a small bathroom feel big and at the same time make it modern.
- Mounted Toilets: In a small place, all space is important, even space under the toilet. A wall-mounted toilet will increase leg space if for nothing at all.
- Showers: When we think tubs, the first thing that comes to mind is a night of relaxation after the day, but other than that, huge is another thing you think about when making a bathroom or renovating. A tub can make the bathroom look small, depending on how small the bathroom already is. Showers are modern and great for everyone. Another plus is that showers are easier to clean than bathtubs.
- Small Sinks: Mounted sinks, just like mounted toilets, are spaces saving. They make the bathroom look and feel more open. Small sinks that are thin and have thick edges are a modern design to go with.
- Shelves and Cabinets: When placing cabinets above the sink, the ones with mirrors are great to create the depth of a small bathroom. Cabinets, as well as shelves, can be placed above the toilets too. Open shelves and thin narrow cabinets work well above the toilet too.
- Pocket / Slide Doors: Bathroom doors should either open out or be a slide. When small bathrooms open inside, space for the opening of the door has to be thought of too. Sliding doors make the bathroom modern. A sliding barn door look is very welcome as well.
- Dark Floors and Light Walls: Just like mirrors allow a depth in the bathroom, so do light bright walls. Light comes in and bounces more than a dark room making a small bathroom feel larger. Dark colors should be reserved for the floors of the bathroom. If you have a shower, the shower floors should have the same shade of dark color as the floor of the bathroom; this enables the eye not to look at that part of the room as a different small part, but just a continuous room that does not look small.
- Shower Glass panels: Instead of shower curtains, another way to make a small room feel bigger is to use glass panels. Curtains close almost half of the room, and other than that, they stick to you when you shower so glass panels are a way to go. They will open up the bathroom and allow more light in.
There are tips that can help a small bathroom nice and inviting and at the same time feel big, which is what we all want. A big bathroom