When looking at job prospects, it can sometimes feel like the only options force you to be stuck behind a desk. Jobs like software developer require employees to be seated 90 percent of the time! If the thought of being stuck at a desk everyday drives you crazy, you’ll want to consider more active jobs. Here are five amazing jobs for people who want to be up and moving every day. 

Warehouse Employee

There are several different warehouse jobs that would be perfect for active people. Pickers and packers are responsible for finding and scanning products and packaging them for delivery. Pickers need to move quickly to collect all the items needed, but they also have to work without making any errors. Packers need to package items very quickly. Material moving machine operators work with equipment like a forklift to move materials around the warehouse. Everyone in the warehouse is working quickly, but they also need to work safely. Injury rates can be high in this industry, so it’s important for employees to know how to do their work safely.  

Working on forklift engine maintenance is also a great job for someone who likes to get out and stay active. Being knowledgeable about your trade and having skills in every area is an excellent way to make yourself a valuable commodity.

HVAC Enginee

HVAC jobs are perfect for people who are handy and love fixing and installing equipment. HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, and HVAC technicians install and repair these appliances. Being an HVAC technician means you are going out to homes or businesses and installing or repairing an aspect of their HVAC system. This job requires employees to be knowledgeable about the systems they’re working with while also providing excellent customer service. Becoming an HVAC technician requires education and, in some states, licensing. If you love working with heating and cooling systems and enjoy traveling to homes and businesses, this career is perfect for you.  

Home Builder

Luxury home builders are always on their feet, which makes it a great job for active people. Plus, there are several career paths for home builders. If you’d like to own your own business, you can start a building company and hire employees to help you build homes. If you’d prefer to just do a job and get paid, you can work on building homes as a member of the crew. Following the directions of the builder, you’ll work to construct the home. This includes building the foundation and the framing of the house. Homes also include, of course, electrical and HVAC systems, so if you’re able to help with the home’s construction and these more technical aspects, you’ll get paid even more. Make yourself more marketable by taking courses and gaining licenses in other areas. 


While it might not be the first occupation that comes to mind when thinking about active jobs, being a salesperson is actually a great way to stay moving and interact with others. Retail salespeople don’t have time to sit and will never be in a situation where they’re required to sit at a desk for hours. Working retail means you are always moving, whether you’re helping customers, straightening merchandise, or just cleaning the store. Sales employees spend almost as much time standing and walking as software developers do sitting. If you love working with customers and staying active, you’ll enjoy retail.

Americans don’t have to spend all their time behind desks. Try out one of these amazing active jobs and you’ll find that work can be fun and energizing.