It’s always handy to know how you can save money, and especially how you can control your finances when it comes to your household and lifestyle. Big changes start at home, and there are many ways you can both reduce your bills and save the environment, too. Energy-saving tips and financial tips usually go hand in hand with reducing your impact on the environment, so even more of a reason to give it a go.
Here are eight ways you can look to save both money and the environment.
- Manage Your Food Stock and Expiration Dates
One of the biggest tolls on the environment and on your wallet can be food waste. It’s extremely easy to waste a high amount of food if you’re not organized with your food shopping and the portion amount you need. Not to mention that many people who don’t check the expiration guidance on food items are quick to throw items out that are approaching or past their date.
To reduce the financial and environmental impact with food waste, organize your weekly meals and always write a shopping list. This will help you buy only the food you need, and in the amounts you need. It may also be easier to buy individual fruit and vegetable items based on quantity, rather than opting for larger packs which then result in waste if not used.
In regard to expiration dates, always take the time to read the guidance properly. A lot of food items will say ‘best before’ rather than ‘use by’, which means you can still use the food item after the best before date has passed, as long as it looks in good condition. Take the time to check before basing on the date alone to reduce your food waste.
- Try a Non-Meat Diet At least One Day a Week
You don’t have to fully commit to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, but making just one small change to have a meat-free day once a week can help you save money on high-priced meat and reduce the impact on the environment in demand of meat products. Choose one day a week that you can use for a meat-free day and research some tasty meat-free recipes to know what you’re cooking.
- Reconsider Your Washing Cycle
There are times when hot and long washes can’t be avoided in order to clean stains and prevent bacteria, especially with bedsheets. However, making any changes you can to your wash cycle will always have a positive impact. If you can avoid running on a hotter wash, always try running at 30 degrees for clothes that aren’t too dirty. Also, opt for a quick wash or eco wash so that you can reduce the impact of a longer cycle (both on using energy for the environment, and on your energy bills).
- Dispose of Waste Appropriately
Household waste has a detrimental effect on the environment, no matter how big or how small. If you have a large amount of waste that you need to get rid of, such as large furniture items, old clutter, or general domestic waste, try to avoid dumping it or hiring a skip. There are companies that can help with correct waste disposal, like an environmentally aware licensed rubbish removal company in Lewisham, who look to recycle whatever materials they can.
- Switch to Energy-Saving Lightbulbs
This is a simple switch that could reduce your energy bills and your electrical impact on the environment. Energy-saving bulbs are more cost-efficient and don’t compromise on your home’s lighting. While energy-saving bulbs can put off a lot of people due to their higher purchase price, they actually last longer than traditional lightbulbs due to their energy-efficiency, so in the long run, you’ll be saving more on lightbulb costs overall.
- Be Mindful at Home
Better habits at home can take an increased awareness, but every small step counts. To reduce your bills and your household’s impact on the environment, think about the following when moving around your home:
- Switching off the lights in rooms which aren’t being used
- Turning off electrical items completely instead of on standby
- Using energy-efficient bulbs in smaller lamps rather than all overhead lights
- Only charging electrical items when you really need to
- Switching to energy-efficient electrical items
- Being sure to recycle all relevant materials instead of throwing them in the general waste
- Turning off taps when not in use
- Having shorter showers less frequently
- Avoid Fast Fashion
Whether you’re obsessed with fashion or not, there’s no doubt that clothing is one area where money can easily be overspent. Being more mindful and ethical about where you purchase your clothes can help you save a lot of money and reduce the impact that fast fashion has on the environment.
You may want to try browsing charity shops for second-hand clothing. This can not only save you money but help to reduce clothing waste by buying old clothes. Many items donated to charity shops are originally from high-street labels anyway, so you can often find great bargains and styles which you would normally go for, at a much cheaper price — and eco-friendly compared to ordering new.
- Think Before Cranking Up the Heating
Nobody likes being cold at home, and keeping your home heated and comfortable is a must, especially during the winter months. However, is there anything else you can do to improve your home’s heating? You may want to check your home for any draught points that could be allowing in cold air so that you can block them off instead of turning up your heat. You may also want to try blankets, thicker jumpers, and anything you can do to help you feel warmer in your home, which avoids turning up the heating and using more energy.
- In Closing
Saving money at home and helping the environment don’t have to be sources of stress; simple changes can easily be made in your everyday routine to help.