If you are looking for ways to earn some extra cash, you are not alone. You can benefit from making a little more every month aside from your regular job by having a part-time job. People with part-time jobs have an advantage as they have more time to do extra work from home to earn some bucks. Here are some tips for making money at home when you only work part-time:
1. Start a blog
With the rise in the age of the internet, earning extra income online has become more convenient as more legitimate ways of doing this has been sprouting. If you are gifted in writing or are passionate about an advocacy, you can start a blog and get paid while writing about things you like. Some topics that you might want to consider are listed below:
- Cooking
- Housing
- Health and Wellness
- Technology
- Fashion
- Finance
- Travel
- Food
The way you earn through blogging is via sponsorships, product placements, or Google ads. If you have enough traffic running on your website, companies will be willing to pay you to feature their product on your blog. On the other hand, for Google ads, every click will earn you a certain amount. If you build up on this, you can achieve financial freedom little by little.
2. Take part in product testing or surveys
You can simply answer some surveys online and make money from home. Many companies run surveys to check whether their new product will be well-accepted in the market. They also check for customer sentiments and the like. This is very easy to do and will require you little time, making it perfect for those who have part-time jobs.
In addition to that, you can also join websites that provide product testing. Before launching a product, companies usually test this out on other people. You can participate in these things and test different products. While testing out the products, the companies that created them will pay you a fee for giving them feedback about their newest product. You get to try something that isn’t in the market yet and get paid for it as well. Isn’t that great?
3. Try some freelance work
Freelancing is just a general word for jobs online. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just about writing. You can also do freelance work on designing, marketing, graphics, web programming, or as a virtual assistant. If you have the skills and talent, you can freelance on the side by designing calling cards, making logos, providing marketing plans for a start-up, creating websites, or being an executive’s virtual assistant.
There are many websites online that you can check out. You just have to search on Google and do some research on the freelance platforms you stumble upon. You can check out websites like Upwork, Freelancer, PeoplePerHour, or Demand Media for some freelance jobs.
4. Share your knowledge by being an online tutor
If you know another language or have skills in math, you can try out online tutoring. You just need a laptop, webcam, and stable internet. This is the perfect arrangement for people with part-time jobs because you can actually choose your own schedule when you become an online tutor.
You can tutor someone by teaching English, another language, math, science, or train them for their SATs. Again, just be diligent with your research on some platforms that have online tutoring. For instance, Chegg Tutors is an online tutoring platform that you can use.
5. Try working for Amazon
Right now, Amazon also has a platform for micro tasks. In this platform, Amazon hires workers to accomplish services that will require human interaction. This platform is called the Amazon Mechanical Turk. With this platform, you can work from home, have flexible hours, and get paid for it. In case you are wondering, here are examples of some micro tasks that Amazon will make you do:
- Check if the website is suitable for a general audience
- Correct the spelling for search terms
- Rate search results for particular keywords
- Judge whether two products are the same
- Classify products according to the correct and appropriate categories
- Categorize articles according to tone
- Translate product descriptions
Your financial situation will have a significant impact on how you run your life and what you can do with it as almost every facet of our lives is connected to money. With these tips, you can now earn more money and spend your time more productively, especially if you have a part-time job.