There is a perception that e-skills are the ones that will drive the future and that the knowledge-based economy will offer the most sustainable jobs and careers going forward. This is a misnomer, and the most secure types of jobs at the moment are not what you might think. If you are looking for a futureproofed career, look no further than some of the old tried and tested ones.
The Most Secure, Sustainable Jobs in 2021 and Beyond
Construction and Building
New homes, extensions, office blocks, and shopping centres are always being built. Understanding the built environment and having a qualification that you can build a career on in construction is a guaranteed means of making a living. It has also been seen as a sector in which entrepreneurs have flourished over the last ten years.
This is another of the ‘old professions’ that has made a comeback. In fact, it’s the one that never went anywhere. The sewage and municipal wastewater systems have been upgraded, but the principal remains the same as it has been for generations. Pipes get blocked and wear down over time. This ensures that plumbers are always in demand. Their tech may have improved, and the maps and resources available make the job a little easier.
It is indeed the knowledge economy, and big data, we are told, is the new gold. However, you can’t run a knowledge economy without the power being turned on. So, the electrician field remains a solid career choice. The source of power may be greener than ever before, but again the basics of electricity and its use in the home and for business requires an electrician to test, connect and maintain electric safety in the home. There are a number of professionally recognised electrician courses that are available and form the basis for a career in this field.
Why these careers?
There are a number of reasons to consider practical skills such as those of builder, plumber, or electrician as mentioned above. But the three main areas of concern for those looking to choose a career or change in career are income potential, variety in work environments and tasks, and the sustainability or longevity of the career; will it be in demand and continue to be so?
Earning potential
Many of these trades provide the potential to earn high salaries, which grow exponentially as your experience grows. For example, an electrician with new qualifications but little experience can expect to earn between £19000 and £22000 a year. However, this can increase to over £36000 as your experience grows.
Beyond earning a good and competitive salary, these trades also allow you to work on a self-employed basis which means you can set your own pay rate and gives you the flexibility to work for yourself. In addition, if you set up your own business, your earnings could also increase.
Varied and interesting work environments
Beyond giving your flexibility to choose your own hours and pay rate, having your own trade business allows you to work in varied and different work environments. Whether you chose to specialise in suburban settings or work in rural and sustainable contexts, by learning a trade and investing in your own business, you’ll have the power to choose where you work.
As more emphasis is being placed on the green economy, having a skilled trade will allow you to take advantage of this new trend. Many sustainable and renewable energy projects allow you to work in open spaces and even beyond the UK if you have the required skills. Solar, wind, and other alternative energies are booming, all requiring skilled tradesmen to link these to new and existing homes. Having the right qualifications and skills can allow you to travel and see interesting and varied countries.
Increased demand
By 2031, the UK population is expected to reach 70 million people, up by 8 million since 2000. As the population grows, there will always be a demand for skilled tradespeople to accommodate the growing housing market. This has been accompanied by social media growth, which allows people with qualifications and experience such as electricians and plumbers to advertise locally and grow their businesses to meet growing demand.
As people are working more from home, there is also an emphasis on home renovations and sprucing up the space we are spending so much time in. Although many people are willing to try DIY renovations, a greater number prefer to trust experienced and qualified tradespeople who they know can do the job right.
If you already have a qualification, then it’s worth upgrading this so that you are in line with the latest regulations and ready for the myriad of opportunities out there. The most sustainable jobs there will be those that have always been…the skills of the future will be the tried and tested skills of the past.