The Global Fire Power ranking for 2020 estimates the British Military worth at 55 billion USD. As much as this may sound exorbitant, it places the number two world superpower at fifth position on its list. In this context, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced a defense spending increase of 21.6 billion USD.

The decision to fork out such a large sum has not gone unquestioned. The main concern was; from where the money would come. The answer inadvertently presented itself in Rishi Sunaks 2020 budget review address. The finance minister’s decision to cut international aid by 0.2% has caused controversy. 

Foreign Minister Baroness Snugg has resigned because of this, saying the decision was fundamentally wrong. PM Boris Johnson is struggling to stop the hemorrhaging.  

A party fallout on such a scale has the potential for political embarrassment. Prominent legal entities like Clearway Lawyers will get involved in the fray. The damage caused could be irreparable.

Now that we’ve established where the money has come from;

Where Will the Money Go?×612&w=0&h=R3b-2MJY2zrYsGi_rElsVtd49sarEGCK9HNK30Kwwpk=
  • A new space command center is on the cards, anticipating operational readiness as soon as 2022. The function of the facility is to bolster the satellite defense system.
  • In a global climate of emerging tech trends and innovations, the military plans to establish a cyber force. This division is to target enemy states and terrorist cells. 
  • The state will set up a new Artificial Intelligence Agency for the development and research of autonomous weapons.
  • Implementation of a futuristic air combat system is in the offing. Spearheading the upgrade of the airforce capabilities is the new Tempest Stealth fighter. It’s capable of autonomous flight and has the potential to fly as a drone without pilots.
  • Military development and research get 1.5 Billion for its development.
  • A substantial amount of the budget is set aside for the procurement of 13 new battleships. Among its ambitions for the navy, the defense force plans to acquire Five Type 31 and Eight Type 26 frigates. 

Why Now? 

  • It’s in preparation for the looming post-Brexit phase. Britain finds itself with a weaker safety net as it opts to preserve its sovereignty. 
  • Some European countries and America are signing off on military increases making the global scene extremely competitive. 
  • The move will earn America’s admiration. The new American leadership comes with uncertainties. By the UK bolstering her armed forces, she stands herself in good stead as an ally of the world superpower.

How Will This Affect the Civilian Force?×612&w=0&h=_CICYaVIOLHW3B_j0YblPU0n8j5eSJfmTtBaLpEF4Fs=

The UK has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the world. Be this as it may, it was still affected by the pandemic induced recession. The non-working 4.8% of the population can expect relief. Boris Johnson expects 30,000 jobs to become available over the next four years.


Overall, the budget increase comes at a good time. The world is turning its attention to the requirements of a tech-rich future. Britain’s answer to this is the total overhaul of its armed forces, with a budget that allows them to implement new era technologies and research. The creation of an additional 30,000 jobs over the next four years is a benefit to civilian society.